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Which oaths supersede other oaths, and when one has the right to say the other party has violated our oath to the point I am released from this. Is an oath valid if it is secured at the point of a sword? Radus Prince Charming counter to Vlads Prince of Darkness is an angle I didnt really think about before. In 1473, following an agreement with the Ottomans, Basarab Laiot cel Btrn (Basarab Laiot the Old) took over the throne. Had you ever heard of Radu? How Goth is that? Isabela, after thought I have removed your comment responding to Maria. Early life, I. Unfortunately it is written in Russian Thanks for the hint to that book. During his reign the Ottoman Sipahi's gained a strong foothold in the south of the country. Preceding unsigned comment added by 17:22, 16 October 2014 Reply[reply] (Side note: the problem of the Generic Movie Wife could be solved if people would give these women some goddamn personality and have them do something besides look pretty and die, but thats a whole other fridge of dead women.) Anyone? Vlad and Radu were later educated in logic, the Quran and the Turkish and Persian language and literature. Im trying to talk about things I think would be cool in fiction. Imagine being this guy: and then you beat Dracula. That soul-bestowers way is Jesuss religion, I surmise. I didnt even know Radu existed till that book (surprisingly accurate but with a few history errs thats acceptable though, in her case) was brought to my attention. It really does mean a lot. As for why Faith picked Andreja (she recently transisitioned officially! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He is believed to have taken part in the operations that combined to be known as the Fall of Constantinople. The hats of that period are just so cool! Thats the power of psychological warfare. [3], According to Latin translations of the Byzantine Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, Radu became an intimate friend and a favorite of Mehmed II, with whom he possibly, due to good looks, had an amorous relationship. Lupu died Sunday at age 76 in Lausanne, Switzerland. These vampires have no social life though they remain very active on social media. They had an older brother too, called Mircea, who was buried alive. Sultan Mehmet invaded Wallachia to remove this profanity from the throne his dear friend Radu had vacated in death. When he was just a child, his father, Vlad II Dracul went to swear loyalty to the Ottoman Empire. Vlad IIIWP (WP, Vurado Sansei? That said, if we run with the narrative idea of Radu as the bad apple, I still think thats a very good source of drama. Hadrian himself wasnt too weird. I know what a religious war and conquest entail. Records: 0. There were large stakes there, on which, as it was said, about 20,000 men, women, and children had been spitted There were infants too, affixed to their mothers on the stakes, and birds had made their nests in their entrails.. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. Between 1473 and 1475 Radu briefly returned twice to the throne. But converts changed names in the Ottoman scheme of things. I always laugh at people complaining about islamophobia in Eastern Europe. So much so that we have the beggining of the impalements during Vlads quest for revenge. I have also made it clear I am not a historian and this is not meant to be an academic work. Im assuming they made him say and this time I mean it! considering hed made that same oath after taking the throne. Moreover, it was time for the sultan to show his recognition of his beloved Radu the Handsome, his loyal companion who was now ready to replace his bloodthirsty brother on the throne of Wallachia. I guess Ill have to read it over again to fully grab it. There was once a John Boorman promise, you remember? Also, thank you for all this contextual information about Stephen cel Mare, another figure of the time who receives no attention in American pop history discussions about this time period (I didnt know him until I read into Radus history); and also for the information about Radu and Mehmeds relationship, which I dont think I gave its due weight in the article. His perceived betrayal would have extremely long-lasting ramifications for Draculas character. (LogOut/ This happens in many instances. Right? Romanians have many reasons to dislike Radu, and I would be foolish to suggest they should suddenly, after all these years, after all he did, after all Vlad did, hold him up as a historical hero. Radu was likely much, much younger than Vlad, making it much easier for him to adapt. how did radu the handsome diewhen to separate betta fry. This fan community's official language is English. Yall are super on it with these movies today! A compelling one, though! People have always wanted their parents to love them and protect them. There is a sense of deep respect and acknowledgement re. (note for transparency: this is edited because I noticed some extremely glaring grammatical errors and a paragraph where I just repeated myself that was unnecessary.). Radu would have expected this. They just dont know what to do with Hephaestion. I agree with you that Radu closed his eyes to his brother. Please please work on your game!!! The victim develops negative feelings toward police, authority figures . Thats before you even BEGIN to consider his personal feelings about the people, rather than the polities to which he swore those oaths. Hua Wu-Que (Hu Yi-Tian) and Xiao Yu-Er (Chen Zhe-Yuan) did have their . I hope something like that gets done soon, I think itd pretty damn cool. (PROSE: Possum Kingdom) Like his brother Vlad he was raised in Adrianople as a hostage by the Sultan. How can he be a traitor when he protected in his own way his people? Isnt Andreja Pejic just the most handsome person ever? Eventually, Vlad III was released, but his brother stayed behind and became an ally to Murad II. is just that . Radu is dying. He didn't get along with his tutors and trainers and was angry at his father for favoring his older brother, Mircea, and betraying his pledge to the Order of the Dragon (into which Vlad III had also been inducted at . But eventually, the Ottoman army prevailed, and Mehmed II placed his young lover on the throne of Wallachia. Slavo-Romanian chronicles relate that Stephen III had a "war with Radu voivode for Soci". Radu sent envoys to the Saxon cities hardest hit by Vlad III, tempting them with old-fashioned advantageous trade regulations and vouching for the sanctity of their families. And the Christian West has always been so annoyed at Islam. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! He accompanied his father and brother to the Ottoman Empire, where they planned to negotiate for peace. Radu sent envoys to the Saxon cities hardest hit by Vlad III, tempting them with old fashioned advantageous trade regulations and vouching for the sanctity of their families. Like declaring him a god and making people worship him. Romanians are allowed and entitled to feel however they like about their history. And, anyway, if it is Vlad, I just imagine how his brother looked like , Memed IIs campaign to Qaraman; 855/1451. Radu. Different sources relate various dates. Vlad III travelled to Hungary to ask for help from his former ally, Matthias Corvinus. They were who they were, but they were more than just bi, gay, les, etc. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad . Radu was among the forces who were met with the horrific sight of 20,000 of Ottomans impaled outside of Trgovite. Your email address will not be published. Or, rather, they say theyre going to the life of Vlad III then pull some shit right out of their asses. They do not frown upon those who engage in this lifestyle. Doing so he agreed to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two sons, Vlad III (Aka Vlad the Impaler) and Radu "The Handsome", to the . One thing they agree on, though, is that their goals are the same: they both value their homeland and want whats best for it. This is specifically so that when Vlad later declares his undying hatred, it hurts peoples feelings. Elveo. AND I am not commenting on or about the historical factual lives of the men who did live. 22 sierpnia 2022 . On June 16 and 17, he again defeated a sizable Ottoman force in what has become known as The Night Attack, which resulted in heavy casualties to the Ottoman army, as well as logistical losses. ), Enciclopedia personalitilor feminine din Romnia, Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2012, The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return by agreeing to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two legitimate sons, Vlad III and Radu, to the Ottoman court, to serve as hostages of his loyalty. Some immensely shady dealings made it seem like he was letting rebel warlord John Hunyadi run rampant through his territory or even supporting him against the Ottoman Empire. All around, there are dead and dying men sliding down stakes, a forest of death in which the only clearing is the field of battle. Radu was not a traitor because it would take us to say that X is bad, and Z is good. "The Emperor kissed him and the boy sheathed a dagger and cut the Emperor's thigh and then ran away. It was not difficult to convince them; he only had to promise the boyars that he would restore their privileges and assure the defectors from Vlad III's camp that they would not be punished. He was born as the second son to his father Vlad Dracul. He also took sexual advantage of young male hostages. On June 12, 1444, Vlad the Impaler and his brother Radu the Handsome went to the Turkish court as a guarantee of keeping peace between Wallachia and the Ottoman Empire. I am not trying to change the way people see history. Between 1473 and 1475 Radu briefly returned twice to the throne. Historians of the Ottoman Empire. He stayed back for that very reason, so his brother takes the throne, as he was the oldest and not get in his way. In addition, people can t get rabies from having contact with bat guano (feces), blood, or urine, or from touching a bat on its fur. Plus VLAD THE IMPALER IS A WOMAN! However many the exact figure was, it was a huge amount of dead or dying human beings, writhing in their torture or being pecked apart by carrion crows or, Hell, since this is a dip into the true depths of human inhumanity, probably both in a lot of cases. I have watched the Turkish series Fatih, and I liked the way Radu is presented, and I just loved the way Andrej is placed as Radu jesusmaryjoseph he *is* hot! Im legit writing a book right now that pulls the vampire story with Radu as the main character lol love this!!!! Another attachment to the world could only do good and interesting things for Dracula. Vlad II may have believed he had oaths he had to keep at the expense of his children so to, then, would Radu see oaths that must be kept at the expense of his blood family. The aforementioned Laonikos Chalkokondyles also wrote about the relationship between the Sultan and his young Wallachian hostage. Radu was allowed to live in the newly built Topkap Palace in Istanbul. After all, it did not last long and he was forced to depart with his lover and experience cruelties beyond any imagination. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad Clugrul, both of whom would also briefly rule Wallachia. Vlad the Impaler, Vlad II Dracul, Vlad Calugarul, Mihnea cel Rau, Basarab I of Wallachia, January 1475 (aged 3637) Principality of Wallachia, Radu cel frumos si regina frantei mtw ottoman invasion. The screams of the dying and of the broken-hearted! Vlad III retreated to Transylvania. Dracula's army was overrun in a blitz and all were killed, including Dracula himself. But wasnt it also betrayel, Back then, when ny father get me away..? Radul is also there, and as long as I remember, he is not shown as an apostate. As glowingly as I speak of Radu, facts are that he WAS a traitor to his brother. Radu cel Frumos. These are the traits by which power is earned and held in their homeland, and have been for centuries. [5], While Vlad, probably on the other hand developed the dislike for Radu and for Mehmet II, who would later become the sultan. The king of Istanbul you are, and the king of Galata is he. The approximate date of his death is between 1475 and 1477. In 7 March 1471, Radu fought the Battle of Soci against Stephen III, his future son-in-law, for possession of Chilia (now Kiliya in Ukraine). Seria B ara Romneasc. 2 - Radu did not die of syphillis. Radu was allowed to live in the newly built Topkap Palace in Istanbul. p. 127, 128), Laonicus Chalkondyles Joannes Oporinus, Conrado Clausero 1556,"De origine et rebus gestis Turcorum." Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; c.1438 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and prince of the principality of Wallachia. Radu cel Frumos led a pretty tumultuous life, which was just the price any Romanian noble had to pay for the opportunity to not farm turnips forever. Hadrian never sounds as if he had had a Caligula-like life. [2], While Vlad was eventually released to take his place on the Wallachian throne in 1448 after his father was killed by John Hunyadi, Radu converted to Islam and was allowed into the Ottoman imperial court. Radu cel Frumos, Voivode of Wallachia for a little bit, at least, though in those days it was a title that traded blood-splattered hands quite often. So why was Radu a traitor if he decided to accept that Ottomans snapped Wallachia in the fair game of war? In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I cant speak for the discourse about Radu in Romania and what, if any, effect the implications of homosexuality have on it. While Vlad was eventually released to take his place on the Wallachian throne in 1448 after his father was killed by John Hunyadi, Radu converted to Islam and was allowed into the Ottoman imperial court. Whoever does not set heart on his monkish girdles knot. This atrocious, gut-wrenching sight was too much even for them to bear therefore they returned to Ottoman forces to regroup. **** I am Romanian and the story was completely different. My point is that Radu wasnt expected to add nothing to the usual openning formulae for bureaucratic documents. Matters of romance are always tangled, and when you get into the weird social mores of four hundred year old aristocracy, it gets even more messy. Wallachia, to be blunt, would be a vassal Principality either for Hungary (as it had been before the Ottomans) or for Turkey. Dracula was not a lone figure in the political landscape. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In those, besides the usual formula So and So, Voivode of Wallachia that opens these documents, we can see that he adds the name of his father. It is further narrated, that while physicians took care of Mehmed II's wound, the young boy climbed up a tree where he stayed hidden until the sultan left; he later descended from the tree and not long afterwards became the Sultans favorite. . Its theirs, and at the end of the day, they are the keepers of it. When?! However, I think the underlying motivation is the same; Radu is extremely inconvenient to the comfort of the story. Your brother is known for butchering anyone who gets in his way. But a question lingers: why did the Turkish production choose Andrej (a known boy/girl model) as Radu? I apologize for the delay! Im thrilled to see people curious about Radu cel Frumos and Romanian history in general. Its clear that this means a lot to you, or you wouldnt have bothered commenting. FYI, strigoi mort is a folk character in Romania, the possible origin of vampires stories. Or wars are only fair when our personal good guys win the frey? Maybe not his country as far as he understood things, but definitely to the person of his brother. Symptoms of Stockholm syndrome. Radu's father fled, but Mircea II was captured by boyars from Trgovite and was blinded with a red-hot poker before being buried alive. I hope its not just because of homophobia. Maybe he eats him on the spot, reduced to a ravenous fiend by the vampiric condition, motivated by hunger and hatred. But above and beyond this, he preached of a lasting peace, a gentle reign, and no revenge for any past wrongdoings. While it's more focused on the popular aspect than the historical one, it expresses wonderfully how complex the relationship between the two of them and Mehmed was. I dont have anything that might help, but please, anyone who has any ideas to help C, feel free to comment. Radu's father fled, but Mircea II was captured by boyars from Trgovite and was blinded with a red-hot poker before being buried alive. Questions that everyone knows the answer to but are said out loud anyway, the ultimate form of undead not-even-passive aggression. Youre worse than an invader or a pretender. Radu cel Frumos atau dikenal dengan panggilan Radu saja, atau julukan Radu si Cantik atau Radu si Tampan, atau nama Turkinya, Radu Bey, adalah anak keempat dari Raja Wallachia, Vlad II Dracul, dan adik dari legenda drakula Rumania, Vlad III.Ia juga memiliki dua kakak lainnya, Mircea II dan Vlad Clugrul. Change). Galata was a neighbourhood on its northern shore and home to Genoese and Venetian Catholics, along with some Greek, Armenian and Jewish residents during Mehmed IIs reign. Its a pretty underwhelming end, isnt it? Well, I said not causing a lot of trouble, but the truth is, there was a famous incident involving the young Sultan and his passionate attraction to Radu. It is, of course, a Rumanian production. Formulae exist for those who do not want to go off the beaten track. Your brother is Dracula. It is happening right now everywhere in the Earth. The boys were taken to the various garrisons at Edirne. I dont see why is it wrong for him to stay behind and enjoy his life. And that is how I am sharing this, Not religious or PRO or anti ANYTHING. If someone is using the personal website of a HORROR PORN AUTHOR as their only source for Romanian history, the problem is that they dont care about it, not that I wrote something on the topic. When he catches you, he will kill you, and he will make it a death unlike any you, your men, or even his men have ever seen, because you? Like his older brother Mircea II, Vlad III was an able military commander and now found himself opposing the Ottomans. Especially if we consider that Vlad's archnemesis was probably Radu's lover and to this, we have to add religious, patriotic, cultural elements. Radu memimpin 90.000 menerobos hutan dan tanah berbukit Rumania untuk menyerang kakaknya Dracula yang bertahan di benteng 'Poenari' miliknya. [8] His daughter was Maria Voichia, who later married Prince Stephen III of Moldavia. Mehmed II married five times and fathered four children, but the bisexual sultan also enjoyed sex with handsome young men. [7] He is believed to have taken part in the operations that are collectively known as the Fall of Constantinople. Aye, lovely moustache! But instead of receiving help he found himself arrested and thrown into the dungeon over false charges of treason. Juuuuust a little bit Fruedian. Great well researched article. being a traitor to his country and people. But Im talking about vampires and I put a paragraph up top to dispel any notions I am a professional. Vlads older half-brother, Mircea, was killed alongside his father. So I have this idea that it is Radu rather than Vlad. A cynical reading could be that he was trying to shore up legitimacy via his fathers name, something Vlad III and Stephen wouldnt feel the need to do. Ive done my best to put it together through the comments. Radu's father fled, but Mircea II was captured by boyars from Trgovite and was blinded with a red-hot poker before being buried alive. Radu chased Vlad III to his castle north of Curtea de Arge and, finally, out of Romania itself, which was incorporated under Ottoman control. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He invaded Wallachia on several occasions during Radu's reign, dethroning him four times in response to Radu's vassalage.[11]. You know, like in Game of Thrones where it just lingers on the architecture and food and stuff? Please, there is no reason to be upset. Vlad III waged a guerrilla campaign against the Ottoman forces commanded by the Grand Vizier Mahmud Pasha in May 1462, pursuing them in their retreat as far as the Danube. Probably Radu loses. "regis eius concubinus factus est.p.158", Laonicus Chalcocondylus, Historiarum Libri X. Yeah sure, experience first 500 years of being constantly bullied and attacked by people of that religion and then tell me how would you react. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia. Unfortunately, the beauty of poetry often fails to survive translation. He was into the Hadrians Memoirs project, but gave up on the grounds of expensive Turkish production could manipulate Fatih and Radu, but nothing could have been done with H and A As you say, such a waste of greatly dramatic stories, yes? To continue about Radu and Vlad. Or is it fair to take sides? . Radu's brother Vlad III later went on to take the throne from Vladislav II in 1456 and began his second reign for which he was to become famous. Hell yeah, Jacky! The fact that I have yet to see one Dracula movie where Radu was a major character, or even mentioned, is a crying shame. As a brief aside: I imagine that Vlad viewed his brother much like the kid from Narnia. Whoever he may be, I like how he looks vaguely uncomfortable but still sumptuous. Vlad Dragula si Radu Voivode cel Frumos. This is a bit of an aside, so I put it in a separate comment, but I think the sociology of oaths in the context of warlike medieval polities is super interesting and can inform a lot of the players viewpoints here. He is believed to have taken part in the operations that are collectively known as the Fall of Constantinople. Their dangerously passionate relationships were described by a Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, who emphasized that the sultan 'nearly died at the boy's hands' when he tried to force himself upon the young prince. Check it out. His good nature attracted instant allies, including inhabitants of Bucharest and Trgovite, who had enough of the cruelty of his brother. It is further narrated, that while physicians took care of Mehmed's wound, the young boy climbed up a tree where he stayed hidden until the sultan left; he later descended from the tree and not long afterwards became the Emperors favorite. After the victorious campaign north of the Danube, the Ottomans placed the young Radu (then 26 years of age) as the Bey of Wallachia. Seria B ara Romneasc. You dont execute him or defeat him on the field of battle, but because of your effortshalf on the battlefield, and half in diplomacy with rival princeshe is forced to flee. His wife was Maria Despina, considered to be a Serb or Albanian princess. And its beautifully written to boot! They could have won: Mehmeds personal Janissary guard numbered higher than Vlad IIIs entire army. But many things have happened between 1445 and 2021. I may be going nave, or wishful, but I deem it quite a material proof. I like the idea of Radu being a critical figure in the Dracula characters memory, something that he rejects as a traitor, but may also be self-doubt taking the form of someone he can dismissand something that means he never has to realize hes suffering self-doubt. Its the well-known history of their country, not just an addendum to a monster movie like it is for a lot of people here in the United States where I am. nicknamed 'the handsome' died before the age of 40 but compensated by living a full and interesting life that did not consist of fruitless guerrilla warfare interrupted by long boring spells in the slammer . Please dont assume I dont. The you learn that those foreign people arent bad people at all and the wont harm you. ), Laonicus Chalkondyles, Conrado Clausero 1556:"De origine et rebus gestis Turcorum" p.158, The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. Sultan Mehmed Fatih (Mehmed the Conqueror) and his beloved favorite Radu the Handsome, the son of the prince of Wallachia, Vlad Dragul (Vlad Dracula II). Vlad leaves, assuring through some small gesture or Laconic statement that Radu will always be his beloved younger brother. His and his brother's lives are so interesting, and their relationship troubled and tragic. The brothers made a plan to regain the throne of Wallachia and get rid of the Turks. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad . You never heard about Radu while reading about Vlad yea, that happens! Their dangerously passionate relationships were described by a Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, who emphasized that the sultan 'nearly died at the boy's hands' when he tried to force himself upon the young prince.

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