About Us

Our Real Estate Family
Steve & Kathi Heern: We each have over 30 years of experience in real estate, combined for over 60 years of experience. We have experience in all areas of the City of St. Louis as well as St. Louis County. We are currently located in South St. Louis County, though at times we have been located and done business in Central, West and North St. Louis County and St Louis city. Over the years we have seen many changes all over St. Louis. Let our experience work for you.
A little about our family pictured above. In November of 2001 we were blessed to be able to adopt 2 beautiful children, Marina & Conner from Ukraine, in an area currently war-torn. They are both growing & very helpful in many areas. We also have 2 golden retrievers, Ladee Gracee, who has had 2 litters of puppies and Lord Taylor.
Heern Properties
Kathryn Heern 314-276-0227