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I found that the course material was just difficult to understand especially when the professor has no interest in teaching students and plows through the PowerPoints like nothing. Advanced topics in data structures and algorithms, involving sequences, sets, and graphs such as searching, sorting, order statistics, balanced search tree operations, hash tables, graph traversals, graph connectivity and path problems. CS-SYLLABI 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Prerequisites: CS241 and CS356 with a grade C or better. It'll also be used in later courses like CS356 and CS301 so you should definitely get familiar with this early on. -/u/meattbone, "We also have BS/MS for those looking to finish a Master's degree and get it over with, and in combination with the M.S. I think he just needs the beer money, If someone wants to do it for IT or any other major, feel free to DM me. Second, this course will help students gain knowledge of the applications to computer systems and communication security. If you don't know the material before coming into the class, or have an idea of what to do, the textbook won't help you at all. CS/IS/IT Elective: Two 3-credit CS/IS/IT electives (200-level or above). CS301. CS345. CS331. Idk Wally was easy for 341 to me. She's a great professor and does a great job giving a lot of details on complicated topics. Prerequisite: CS490. An introductory course that is designed for engineering freshmen. Methods and techniques for functional requirements analysis and specifications, design, coding, testing and proving, integration and maintenance are discussed. He'd always talk about something in his personal life and is a huge nerd about tech things. 85, CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management, Haroon, Tanweer, "CS 331-104: Database System Design and Management" (2020). Students considering switching to Computer Science or Mathematical Sciences should take PHYS 111/111A and 121/121A. Problem solving decomposition. Reasoning techniques based on propositional and predicate logic and relational calculus operations with applications to databases will also be introduced. If you have any questions, comments, or things you would like to add to the thread, feel free to reply to the thread and I'll add them as soon as I can. 85. 90 terms. I think CS114 was pretty challenging but it was also a great opportunity to learn Data structures and Algorithms. |, | CS435 | Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Alexandros Gerbessiotis | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | I think this course is very important in understanding how to create an efficient algorithm but this professor does a really bad job explaining topics. Home | He really shows you what it's like to be in a company and be thrown on a team with varying skill sets and personalities that you may not like. | | Personal Opinion | Senjuti made it really difficult to enjoy data science. My advice is: brush up on your C skills plan your code BEFORE you write it (it's easy to miss some details if you just sit down and start writing it) only write a few lines at a time, then compile and test! Pretty easy class, but you have to read a lot and if you get stuck on something, try to refer to old class material. Yeaa, I have heard a bunch of horror stories from Itani and Rutkowski. #1 Public University in New Jersey Source: Forbes #1 of 15 Best Colleges for Computer/Information Systems in New Jersey Source: College Factual Fundamentals of Network Security. She's a very knowledgeable professor and knows what she is talking about. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Undergraduate Tutoring Spreadsheet. Introduction to Computer Science. Home | And lol the only thing I remember from 388 (Android) was "if your app isn't working, sync Gradle and try again". I managed to graduate with 1 internship, 1 co-op and a few personal projects I worked on in the meantime. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). CS276. Fundamentals of computer science are introduced, with emphasis on programming methodology and problem solving. This course introduces students to the core concepts and skills necessary for the development of games utilizing 2D graphics. | | Usefulness | This course has taught me how to take a step back and try to think of a more elegant solution rather than just brute force everything. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Even though my project was easy, I know a lot of people struggled to get their project to even run so take this with a grain of salt. Computer Science (CS) is a discipline that involves the design and development of computing systems applications and their effective deployment and use. Prerequisites: CS114 and MATH112 with a grade C or better. Prerequisite: CS351 with a grade C or better. The course covers Linux programming with Apache Web and MySql database using Php/Python and C as primary languages. i had rutkowski for my eop class. Aka. I didn't follow my own advice that I had in the previous comment and I started seriously applying to jobs in March. dont get me wrong, he can help you and provide you with some insight, but when teaching a class, its hard to focus on one thing. CS116. Exams are most likely going to be exactly like the homework. How do I do this thing?). program is designed for students interested in liberal arts or, management. 3 credits, 4 contact hours (3;1;0). Many technologies have been developed due to the interplay between World-Wide Web development and databases on one hand and the growth of database applications in e-commerce on the other hand. All you need is a nice mid-range, $500 to $1000, laptop that can handle basic programs. Students may use up to 6 credits of co-op toward their free elective requirements. In DS Capstone II, teams of project participants will refine their design, implement and integrate component techniques into a complete software solution, present data analysis results, evaluate the system performance, and validate the proposed solution. Covers concepts and principles of data mining in bioinfomratics. The unique characteristics of programming for a mobile environment are introduced and explained. Prerequisites: CS288, CS332, and CS350. I definitely agree that students should be pursuing personal projects with their course material, even starting in CS 100. Query processing. Intro to Computer Systems. BNFO135. Also, the course covers undecidability and complexity classes P, NP, and NPC. CS435. Really good opportunities to get an internship or a co-op. ), and typical applications such as Biometrics. FAQ | I think it'll overall reinforce your programming knowledge and give you a more in-depth understanding of Linux especially with the assignments that are given to you throughout the semester. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). > IT students take IT420 and Computer Science students take CS356. I did not like the way he taught his class because it would mainly go something like this : 1) Write a complicated problem on the board 2) wait 20 seconds for the entire class to "solve" this complex problem 3) Solve the problem on the board within 2 minutes without explaining anything 4) go back and point at random parts of the solved equation and tell the class to "just do it". Other than this recent state machine diagram, I haven't used any of the theory in practice. Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences - Computational Mathematics - B.S. CS458. Usefulness = How I have personally utilized this course in my daily/professional experiences. Senior Project. Minimum Grades: Prerequisite grade requirement for Computer Science majors: Performance measures, analysis techniques, and complexity of such algorithms. Topics include contemporary developments in all mainstream areas of computer vision e.g., Image Formation, Feature Representation, Classification and Recognition, Motion Analysis, Camera Calibration, Stereo Vision, Shape From X (shading, texture, motion, etc. Ranking algorithms based on indexes and links (e.g. The Computer Science department attracts the largest student population for computer and information science in the greater New York/New Jersey area. Topics in Computer Science/Information Systems. Database Programming. Prerequisite: CS490 with a grade C or better. This course will also discuss a selection of special topics in interactive graphics. Also, I remember him not handing out PowerPoint slides because he wanted everyone to go to class (Which i think is dumb). 95. I think she did a fantastic job explaining topics on networking and had a lot of diagrams explaining specific topics. Amanda_Contino. > | | Usefulness | Even though the professor was good, I personally just didn't really care about databases and SQL things at the time, but again, in retrospect, I should've paid more attention. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). for example, we were creating a game and he started talking about variables (it was a beginner class), and started talking about how he liked walking. Computer Science with Business Problems. IS 350 Midterm. | | Usefulness | I can remember a few times where I had to do basic socket programming and this course helped me a lot in understanding what to do. I'll be going over the major CS courses I've taken at NJIT and in the order I took them in. There are so many people here with similar career goals, interests and hobbies as you and I think it would be impossible for you to not find a friend. I was able to manage this garbage laptop because I have a gaming desktop at home and didn't feel a lack of performance. Prerequisite: CS492 with a grade C or better. |, | CS114 | Intro To Computer Science II | | ------ | ------ | | Professor | Shu Lee | | Difficulty | | | Notes on Professor | I had this professor the first semester he was teaching 114. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, software engineering, algorithm design, programming languages and abstraction, with applications. Only thing I'd add: You may notice OP mentioned some personal projects. | | Study tips | Practice the homework that is given to you. Topics include: network scanning, TCP/IP stack fingerprinting, system vulnerability analysis, buffer overflows, password cracking, session hijacking, denial-of-service attacks, intrusion detection. you may Download the file to your hard drive. CS485. Many other kids in the same course was struggling because the projects they were given literally couldn't be completed within the time frame and ended up getting bad scores. Information vs. data retrieval. Storage strategies for persistent information are also covered, including the use of the available SQLite Database features. . CS450. Prerequisites: CS280 and CS288 with a grade C or better. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Students are expected to earn a grade of C or better in all CS courses that serve as prerequisites in a sequence of courses. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Core Sample Electives Prerequisites and Admissions Program Outcomes Tuition & Fees Required Courses Program Contact: Simran K Anand Enrollment Services Manager (973) 596-2798 simran.anand@njit.edu Jersey City Class Tour Contact: Julio Oyola julio.oyola@njit.edu | | Useful links | Use this if you want to stay organized | | Study tips | There is a final exam for this course and Nicholson will explicitly say what will be on the final, just be sure to write it all down and you'll do fine. https://digitalcommons.njit.edu/cs-syllabi/85. The course provides students an introduction to computer graphics and the knowledge for designing, developing, and applying techniques for both information and volume visualization. Sohn the destroyer. CS486. The NJIT Office of the Registrar strives to leverage technology to improve your experience as a member of our faculty. The engine will integrate 2D graphics, audio, input handling and network socket programming. If you plan on dorming and you're not bringing a beefy desktop, then I would recommend a gaming laptop. | | Personal Opinion | For the most part, I taught myself this course. I graduated May of 2019 and I just wanted to take some time to leave my "yelp" review of all the experiences I had with NJIT throughout the past 4 years I've been here. Hands on experience in the form of exercises and programming projects are included throughout the course to reinforce material that has been presented in lecture form. 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0). Introduction to Machine Learning. Topics include remote access security, web security, wireless security, e-mail security, spam and spam filtering techniques, computer viruses and internet worms, honeypots and honeynets, security liability issues and compliance. Please consult your advisor for appropriate free electives. Good Condition. Topics include basic concepts of computer systems, software engineering, algorithm design, programming languages and data abstraction, with applications. Use the skeleton code reality.cfor reality 1 and 3 and reality4.cfor reality 4. The course covers the UNIX system kernel including initialization, scheduling, context switching, process management, memory management, device management, and the file system. and Ph.D. degree programs in computer science and evolving interdisciplinary programs like telecommunication, bioinformatics and computing and business. This forced myself to get comfortable with the OS and within a week or so of general desktop use, I was able to use it efficiently. Nicholson is still there!? 3 credits, 3 contact hours (3;0;0).

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